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Interrogating the Value of Theatre-based Methodologies

‘Theatre as Method’ Network members conclude an immersive 3-day workshop, including theatre processes and hefty discussion (Recife, 1.8.2019)

Interrogating the Value of Theatre-based Methodologies  seeks to explore how violence restricts young people’s education pathways, and asked the methodological question: What kind of research insights can a physical, social theatre process (using ’Social Theatre of the Affects’), produce – over and above providing an action-focused social intervention.

School students in Recife, involved in the 6-week ‘Theatre as Method’ research pilot, take part in workshops led by Kelly Fernandes and Dani Fontes Gracia, exploring the meaning and impacts of violence for their school life (Recife, August 2019)

‘Theatre as Method’ network actions tree (Recife, 1.11.2019)

Listen to our podcast series ‘Café com Afeto: Arte e Política do cotidiano’ ('Coffee with Affect: Art and Politics of everyday life’), created by Dr Kelly Fernandes and Daniela Fontes Garcia, with producers Karla Delgado & José Matheus Mariano, MultiHlab, Fundação Joaquim Nabuco . Each episode is a conversation about themes emerging during our research pilot in a local school in Recife (NE Brazil).

The format uses comedy sketches, music and sound effects as devices alongside the dialogue, to explore and communicate the complex themes in an engaging way. Non-Portuguese speakers might find the style and range of non-linguistic devices used interesting.

Listen to the podcast series.

‘Theatre as Method’ Network members using visual images to explore complex ideas and ‘affects' (Recife, 31.10.2019)